Hi! Today I am going to talk about friends J I think that friends are one of the most important things in the life, but only the real and unconditional friends.
My closest friend is my boyfriend, he is a person very similar to me, we have many things in common and we enjoy doing the same things. He is a very nice, intelligent, loyal and tender person. I met him thanks to a theatre course that we both did the last year, we shared a few days and then we began to be the best friend each other… From that moment on we have been one year and two months together. He has the most important characteristics that I value in a friend, like the loyalty, the cheerfulness and the sincerity. He is someone that gives everything for the people that he loves and he first thinks about the welfare of the others and then in himself. For these reason I think that he is my best friend. In general, these are the things that I appreciate in a friend.
My closest friends, including to my boyfriend, are four. Two of them have been my friends since the High School and regularly we keep in touch. The others friends are my boyfriend and a friend that I knew when I entered to the University.
If you ask me, I can say that I am a good friend, however, I am very selective in relation to the people that I let enter to my life. I prefer to have a few but good friends, because I need to know very well to them and I think that to a good friendship lasts for years.
Finally, I think that with the pass of the time your boyfriend or girlfriend become your best friend, because she or he is the person that will share with you the rest of your life.
Congratulations for your good relationship with your boyfriend.
ReplyDeleteI agree with your last remark, at least that's my case, (though a few people become their worst enemies with the passing of time).
Here's your corrected post.
Today I am going to talk about friends I think that friends are one of the most important things in (/) life, but only the real and unconditional friends.
My closest friend is my boyfriend. He is a person very similar to me, we have many things in common and we enjoy doing the same things. He is a very nice, intelligent, loyal and tender person. I MET him thanks to a theatre course that WE both did LAST year, we shared a few days and then we began to be (/) each other’S best friend … From that moment ON we have been one year and two months together. He has the most important characteristics that I value in a friend, like loyalTY, CHEERFULness and (/) sincerity. He is someone that giveS everything FOR the people that he loves and he first thinks ABOUT the welfare of the others and then ABOUT himself. For these reasonS I think that he is my best friend. In general, these are the THINGS I APPRECIATE in a friend.
My closest friends, including (/) my boyfriend, are four. Two of them HAVE BEEN my friends since (/) High School and we regularly keep in touch. The other(/) friends are my boyfriend and a friend that I knew when I entered (/) the University.
If you ask me, I can say that I am a good friend. However, I am very selective in relation to the people that I let enter (/) my life. I prefer to have a few but good friends, because I need to know them very WELL and I think that to A good friendSHIP lastS FOR years.
Finally, I think that AS TIME GOES BY your boyfriend or girlfriend becomeS your best friend, because she or he is the person that will share the rest of your life with you.