I think that the current situation in my faculty in relation with the facilities is regular, because there are a lot of problems due to the lack of resources to improve it.
The most positive aspects are the green areas which allow to the students have a good time; the sport facilities, which are good because there are several soccer fields where the students can practice different sports and a gym with some machines but not enough for all students. These points are good, but they are far to be excellent, still there are many deficiencies.
Some of the most negative points are: the library and computer rooms. The library is one of bad points because it is very small and a very noisy place, you can’t study there and it always is full of people. The computer rooms are insufficient for all students and the same as with the library they always are full. If you ask me these two things are the most necessary to improve, because they affect to everyone every day.
But, how we can solve these problems? I think that the authorities have the solution because the faculty only needs more economic resources, in order to improve the deficiencies. The problem is the inequity between the economic resources delivered to each faculty. The faculties like medicine and engineering receives the most of the resources and the faculties related with humanistic and social careers are the most injured. One way to solve the problem is define the priorities in relation with the faculty facilities that urgently we need to improve and allocate a part of the economic resources that the faculty receives to these points.
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