Sunday, June 28, 2009

Hello, today I am going to talk about my ideal job. I don’t know exactly what my ideal job would be; however, I know that I would like to work with children and teenagers. I always have wanted to help to children in social risk, who don’t have had the same opportunities than many of us. Usually, their families are disintegrated and their social context is bad. I think that through the Educational Psychology and the Social Psychology I could contribute to solve this problem. Some places to work are children’s homes, drug treatment centers, and schools. Another option is to work in Clinical Psychology helping to children and teenagers in my consult. The skills and qualities that I need are patient, creativity, charisma, imagination, empathy, tolerance; forget the prejudices, and others. I think that I have some of these skills, especially, I have good connection with children and I have creativity to play with them. I think that the most important quality is to have the motivation to help them. The main difficult that I could find is to get a job in this field, because, it isn’t a required field by the market like Labor Psychology. Also, probably I am going to have to get another job parallel because the salary in this kind of job is low.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. My love you are a beautiful woman and you will be a excellent psychologist, you will be able to help to all people, to these children and I will be very happy when I watch you to working in your ideal job...I LOVE YOU SO SO MUCH...INFINITE KISSES...

  3. Very nice, Linda.

    I´m sure you will succeed in whatever you do, and certainly children will be very fortunate to be working with you. You are very smart and sensitive and these characteristics are a great mix to work with children.

    I only have some comments to make on your writing:

    Don´t say, "help TO children", say, "HELP CHIDREN"

    The word for "consulta" is "SURGERY" o "DOCTOR´S OFFICE"

    Also say, "Children who HAVEN´T HAD the same opportunities"

    And finally, you say, "the MAIN DIFFICULTY"

    You get 2 points.

