Saturday, November 14, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
Self evaluation of my academic year
Hello everybody,
In a few days the present academic year will finish and now is a good moment to review how it has been. How my academic year has been? In general, I can say that this has been a good academic year, it especially because the academic load has been low. The first term was good, because I can introduce more into the different specializations of my career and the second term has been even better because I could choose the subjects that I wanted to study, which has been incredible.
This academic year has been much easier than the two previous, I had to do fewer subject than before and my ability to study improved very much. During the first term I could learn about many fields of the psychology, which help me to define my preferences into the career. I could visit different places where a psychologist can work, such as schools, courts, community centers, and others. Also, I could to talk with psychologists who are working in these places and they give me an approximation about how are these places to work.
The second term has been extremely relaxed, which have made me feel very happy because I have been less anxious and less tired than the other years. I have had time to do other things. In general, I have could enjoy much and I have had more time to study for each subject. The subjects that I choose are very interesting and they have made me to enchant with the career. The only thing that I want is to finish the career, I want to work and begin to earn money to my dreams and plans come true. What more can I say? I am really happy, this year has been very good, I have learnt very much and my marks have improved, so I am thinking of going to study abroad.
Thursday, November 5, 2009

Hello everybody!
Today I am going to write about pets. Personally, I never have had a pet because my mother doesn’t like animals and she never has allowed me to have one. I like animals but not all animals. Since I was a child I always have wanted to have a dog, especially, a labrador. I think that a pet could be a great friend for everyone and it really can brighten up your life. Having a pet can be a great help to someone who is alone, pets even have been very useful to treat different diseases in occupational therapy. For these reasons I believe that is good that children can take care of a pet, it could be very beneficial to them. Currently, my younger brother has two rats as pets and I have could see that he has a relation with this animals, he always is worried about them, he feed them, he regularly is going to see them, and so on. I think that he has learnt a little responsibility and he has found a good way to spend the time with the rats.
Faculty Facilities

I think that the current situation in my faculty in relation with the facilities is regular, because there are a lot of problems due to the lack of resources to improve it.
The most positive aspects are the green areas which allow to the students have a good time; the sport facilities, which are good because there are several soccer fields where the students can practice different sports and a gym with some machines but not enough for all students. These points are good, but they are far to be excellent, still there are many deficiencies.
Some of the most negative points are: the library and computer rooms. The library is one of bad points because it is very small and a very noisy place, you can’t study there and it always is full of people. The computer rooms are insufficient for all students and the same as with the library they always are full. If you ask me these two things are the most necessary to improve, because they affect to everyone every day.
But, how we can solve these problems? I think that the authorities have the solution because the faculty only needs more economic resources, in order to improve the deficiencies. The problem is the inequity between the economic resources delivered to each faculty. The faculties like medicine and engineering receives the most of the resources and the faculties related with humanistic and social careers are the most injured. One way to solve the problem is define the priorities in relation with the faculty facilities that urgently we need to improve and allocate a part of the economic resources that the faculty receives to these points.

Hi! Today I am going to talk about friends J I think that friends are one of the most important things in the life, but only the real and unconditional friends.
My closest friend is my boyfriend, he is a person very similar to me, we have many things in common and we enjoy doing the same things. He is a very nice, intelligent, loyal and tender person. I met him thanks to a theatre course that we both did the last year, we shared a few days and then we began to be the best friend each other… From that moment on we have been one year and two months together. He has the most important characteristics that I value in a friend, like the loyalty, the cheerfulness and the sincerity. He is someone that gives everything for the people that he loves and he first thinks about the welfare of the others and then in himself. For these reason I think that he is my best friend. In general, these are the things that I appreciate in a friend.
My closest friends, including to my boyfriend, are four. Two of them have been my friends since the High School and regularly we keep in touch. The others friends are my boyfriend and a friend that I knew when I entered to the University.
If you ask me, I can say that I am a good friend, however, I am very selective in relation to the people that I let enter to my life. I prefer to have a few but good friends, because I need to know very well to them and I think that to a good friendship lasts for years.
Finally, I think that with the pass of the time your boyfriend or girlfriend become your best friend, because she or he is the person that will share with you the rest of your life.