Friday, May 29, 2009

Hello!!, who is the best in my field?... To answer this question is not difficult to me. I like the Experimental Psychology very much, for this reason I think that one of the best psychologists in my field is my teacher of Experimental Psychology: Ronald Betancourt. I don’t think that he is the best psychologist of all times or the best psychologist of Chile; however, I believe that he is a very intelligent person, the best psychologist of our University. He is a person with consistent arguments to explain the behavior, he has strong arguments to defend his field. He has done a lot of research about Classical Conditioning and Operant conditioning, especially, about Learned Helplessness and Drugs Tolerance. Actually, he teaches the subject of Experimental Psychology in our University and his students are experimenting in his laboratory. It´s very interesting! Each of his students is working with a mouse, which is learning different behaviors. In general, I think that his contributions to the Psychology are very important because they let us understand very good the human behavior.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

My Career: Psychology

Why I am studying this career? Choosing this career wasn’t an easy decision…
When a finished the school I didn’t know what career to choose. I loved the theater but I couldn’t study it. Then, I began to read about Psychology because it was an option of career to study. I liked sharing with people and I felt happy when I could help somebody. I think that the emotional health is very important and I think that we always need someone that listen us. For these reasons, I think that the contribution of psychologists to society is very important because they can help people to improve their quality of life. To accomplish this aim they need to have tools such as empathy, tolerance, commitment with patients, social commitment, be able to listen to others, patience, and others tools.
My favourite subjects are the “Psychology of Learning” and “Experimental Psychology”. These are my favourite subjects because they show us how we do what we do due to our experiences. However, I think that all the Psychology is very interesting... the career is really beautiful!