Friday, April 17, 2009

A career-related web site...

A career-related web site that I usually visit is This is a electronic journal that publishes empirical investigations about different fields of psychological science made by national o foreign researchers. This journal have two publications in the year, the first is in May and the second is in November, both publications include works written in spanish and english. Psyke can be consulted through a Scientific Electronic Library Online called Scielo. I found this web site looking for information for a university task and here I discovered how usefull was this site. Here I found interesting investigations about many topics relationed with psychological problems, especially those investigated by clinical and social psychology, for this reason I enjoy visiting this site. I generally visit this site once a moth, but mostly I do that because I have to do university tasks. I really think that it`s a great web site! You should visit it now!

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